Saturday, April 5, 2014

JDev/ADF sample - MDS Seeded Customization Approach with Empty External Project

  • MDS Seeded Customization Approach with Empty External Project. Great feature in ADF - MDS Seeded customisations support. This is particularly useful for independent software vendors, who are developing their own products on top of ADF framework. With MDS Seeded customisation, maintenance for multiple customers becomes easier. We could create customisation, instead of changing original source code - this makes it easier to maintain a product. I would like to share one important hint, related to technical architecture for MDS Seeded customisations - this will be related to the way how MDS Seeded customisations are organised and maintained. By default, you would create MDS Seeded customisation files in the original application, however this is not very clean approach. There is a way to create and keep all MDS Seeded customisation files in empty external application. I will describe in the post, how this can be achieved with a few easy steps.
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