Friday, March 28, 2014

JDev/ADF sample - ADF 11g PS6 Table Pagination and Displaying Selected Row Issue - Solution

  • ADF 11g PS6 Table Pagination and Displaying Selected Row Issue - Solution. While ago, I had a blog post about new feature in ADF 11g PS6 ( - table pagination support. There is an issue, when we want to open specific row and display it automatically in the table - required table page for the selected row is not opened correctly. However, blog reader suggested a fix, received from Oracle Support. Blog reader was kind enough, to post a comment with suggested fix, you can read it here - JDev/ADF sample - ADF 11g PS6 Table Pagination and Displaying Selected Row Issue. I decided to test this fix myself and provide updated sample application. The fix is to use range start from the iterator and set to it for the first property of the table with pagination. Actually, this fix does the job, but not completely perfect. Current row is displayed, only if Range Size for the iterator is set to 25, probably there is some hard coding somewhere. Ok, but at least it works.
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