Thursday, August 22, 2013

JDev/ADF sample - ADF Essentials 12c ADF BC 'BO_SP' ORA-01086 Error

  • ADF Essentials 12c ADF BC 'BO_SP' ORA-01086 Error. It seems like there are differences running same ADF application on WebLogic and on Glassfish runtime. These differences are minor but could cause some headache to the developers. In this particular case, I would like to describe ORA-01086: savepoint 'BO-SP' never established error. Typically this error could happen, if PS_TXN table is unavailable. However, this is not the case with ADF Essentials 12c - PS_TXN table exists and application is able to access it. 'BO_SP' error is generated when DB constraint is triggered, instead of returning DB error message - ADF Essentials 12c displays ORA-01086: savepoint 'BO-SP' never established error.
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