Saturday, September 20, 2014

JDev/ADF sample - JDeveloper 12c ADF View Token Performance Improvement

  • JDeveloper 12c ADF View Token Performance Improvement. There is known limitation in ADF 11g, related to accessing application in the same session from multiple browser tabs. While working with multiple browser tabs, eventually user is going to consume all view tokens, he will get timeout error once he returns back to the previous browser tab. Unused browser tab is producing timeout, because ADF 11g is sharing the same cache of view tokens for all browser tabs in the same session. This means the recent mostly used browser tab is going to consume all view tokens, other browser tab would loose the last token and screen state will be reset. This behaviour is greatly improved in ADF 12c with separate view token cache supported per each browser tab. If your application is designed to allow user access through multiple browser tabs in the same session, you should upgrade to ADF 12c for better performance.
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