Friday, December 14, 2012

JDev/ADF sample - ADF Post Changes and PL/SQL Invocation Side Effect

  • ADF Post Changes and PL/SQL Invocation Side Effect. If data will not be commited to the database in the same request - not recommended to use postChanges() method in ADF BC. ADF developers tend to bypass this recommendation, especially when integrating ADF with PL/SQL code and trying to keep temporary data in the database. From my experience, is not safe to use postChanges() method even if database commit is done in the same custom method (read - one request). ADF BC passivation may happen anytime unexpected and then posted data is simply lost. Typically this error is not reproduced in development environment, but only in test or production when there are more concurrent users accessing the system. Good practice - always run your application with Application Module Pooling disabled before sending code to the testing team - this would allow to simulare stress test environment and force ADF BC to switch Application Module pool instances.
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