Sunday, October 14, 2012

JDev/ADF sample - PanelGridLayout (JDev ) to Simplify Oracle Forms Modernization to ADF

  • PanelGridLayout (JDev ) to Simplify Oracle Forms Modernization to ADF. I'm usually bored to death to work with UI layout or CSS. But not today, when we have new af:panelGridLayout ADF Faces component available with JDev (it was already available with Read more about it from Duncan Mills blog - PanelGridLayout - A Layout Revolution. This will change how we build layout in ADF, but also it will change how we build form blocks layout. I believe it will substitute af:panelFormLayout component, in more complex use cases. This is especially true for Oracle Forms modernization - usually Forms screens are pretty complex and stuffed with af:inputText boxes. Up till now it was hard to adapt af:panelFormLayout to create proper grid UI - this will change with af:panelGridLayout component.
    Download -

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